The Graduate Program of Chemical Biology (PPGBQ) offers quality post-graduate stricto sensu programs leading to degrees in Master of Science and Doctoral training. A major goal of our program is providing top-quality postgraduate training in a range of research areas that address knowledge in the Biology and Chemistry interface. Our program aims to integrate the knowledge of chemistry that apply to biological systems, including studies with molecules, cells, organisms and natural processes responsible for the diversity of life forms.
PPGBQ research areas include the following topics:
1. Chemical Biology of Systems: This area aims to study the effects of different molecules under physiological conditions or during the development, treatment or prevention of different diseases, as well as to identify and quantify biomarkers present in different conditions. Therefore, this area of research involves the study of behavioral, chemical and/or biological phenomena associated with functional or structural modifications of the following systems.
2. Chemical Biology in Cell models: This research area includes cellular and molecular studies that aim to evaluate key processes in neurosciences, endocrinology, oncology, microbiology and physiology. Also, these studies aim to evaluate the effects of bioactive substances and signaling molecules.
3. Chemical Biology of Natural and Synthetics Products: This area aims to isolate, synthesize, identify and characterize natural and synthetic products with biological activity that may have therapeutic application. Also, this area aims to develop and apply directed analytical methods to understand and/or modulate biological systems.
For more information about the research developed by our supervisors, please visit the Research web page.
PPGBQ is continually looking for inspired students! If you are interested in applying for admission to Master or Ph.D, please consult the Admissions web pages. To apply for an open postdoctoral position, visit the Pos-Doc web page. If you want more information about the program, these web pages could be useful:
About us
Academic Requeriments
Resources For Students
Meetings & Events